Guide for Authors

 | Post date: 2023/08/27 | 

The Journal of Mental Health in Early Childhood, with permission from the Ministry of Culture and Guidance, is ready to accept articles in various fields of educational sciences, educational psychology, and counseling.


 A) Original Research Article: These articles are based on a well-researched plan and solid scientific findings and should include title, abstract (Persian and English), introduction, method, findings, discussion, conclusion, and Resources.


  B) Review Article: These articles should be based on the author's complete coverage of the subject and use of at least 20 scientifically acceptable sources, including title, abstract, introduction, history of the topic, the purpose of the study, content Scientific and case studies related to the subject, analysis, and discussion of the research presented and conclusions. The overall result along with constructive suggestions for the future will also be stated. (At least 3 out of 20 sources belong to the author and are related to the article)


  C) Case Report: These types of articles should be written based on the observation of a particular case or specific professional case that has a particular look and feel and should include a title, abstract (Persian and English), introduction, case report, Discussion, resources, and documentation.


  D) Team Work: These articles are based on collaborative work on a specific professional topic, particularly at the national (inter-university) and international levels. Acceptance of this type of article is a priority for the journal.


  General principles:


  1 - The official language is Farsi Magazine and overseas articles are also accepted in English.


  2. The article has not previously been published in any of the journals or has been submitted to other journals simultaneously, and the overall scientific rank of the authors has been properly stated and all the authors of the article have been aware of the submission and its journals. It is therefore necessary that respected authors in the letter of request for printing, commit these items by signing.


  3 - Author / Authors Submit two folders (files) of your article with and without name and specifics along with a letter of request for printing through the site.


  4 - Specific names or words that are abbreviated in text, tables, etc., are international and well-known acronyms, and they should all be written once in the text with the abbreviation in parentheses.


  5 - Diagrams, pictures, and tables should be clearly printed for printing, with separate pages indicating the number and title of the tables above it and the diagrams below it. People's images should not be identifiable.


  6 - One-line paper in the middle (1.5 cm row spacing) in A4 paper size with a 2.5 cm margin on each side with 2003 Word software - Persian Mitra font and size 12, English New Times font Roman and size 12 with the file name and submit to the magazine.


  7 - The author of the article is responsible for the accuracy of the material. There should also be no more than 5 years from the time of study to the submission of the article.


  8. The Magazine reserves the right to reject, accept, modify, edit, and summarize articles and submissions will not be refunded.


  9 - Articles are accepted provided that the ethics under the Helsinki-Tokyo Convention on Human Clinical Trials have been complied with and approved by the Ethics Committee of the institution in which the research was conducted. Also, such studies should obtain the consent of the study subjects, and this should be stated explicitly in the text.



  Article acceptance evaluation process:

   1. Acceptance of articles is subject to strict observance of the above general principles.

   2. Each article received will be reviewed by at least three individuals and the final decision on the publication of the articles will be made by the Journal's editorial board after review by the reviewers.

    3- Reviewing articles is free.


   How to set up article pages

    Title page


  1 - The title of the short article (maximum 15 words), containing the general topic and orientation of the researcher in that subject and in harmony with the text of the article. In qualitative studies, the title should also reflect the phenomenon under study, based on experience, and be bold. 2 - Contains a short title for each page (maximum 5 words). 3 - Name of the author 1 / Authors 2 Under the heading of the article. 4 - Corresponding author should be distinguished by * and indicated in the footnote as follows: (* Corresponding author) 1 * Corresponding author 5 - Author's full specification Article (s) including scientific rank and address of author/authors And their place of employment, which includes their respective university, college or research institute, should be listed in the footnote 1 in Persian as well as in English. 6 - In the English abstract, the principles of Latin registration should be followed by first the family name, then the first letter of the name, and then the scientific degree as BSc, MSc, MD, or Ph.D. 7 - The postal code, telephone, fax, and e-mail address of the author in charge of the front page attribute should be mentioned.




  Article abstract (both Persian and English) in structured independent pages (structurally structured) with a maximum of 250 to 300 words without references and abbreviations and represent all the concepts and elements contained in the article as follows:


  Introduction: This section should contain at most two to three sentences regarding the necessity of conducting a study or reviewing the literature in this regard.


  Purpose: To be a clear, measurable (quantifiable), or achievable sentence and to be used in all parts of the article.


  Method: It should include general information about the type of study, community and sample, method and means of data collection, and time and type of intervention.


  Results: In quantitative studies, the findings are proportional to the purpose of the study groups, with the statistical tests used, along with the results, coefficients, and confidence intervals. In qualitative studies of classes, the themes or concepts or theoretical explanations of the findings in relation to the phenomenon under study should be stated, together with a brief, relevant, and clarifying explanation.


  Conclusion: This section should not be a duplication of research findings. This section summarizes the findings together with recommendations, applications of findings, or outcomes in nursing.


  Keyword: Maximum of 5 main words based on MeSH, Persian, and English abstract. Keywords in Persian Abstract in Farsi and English Abstract in English.


  Original text of the article


  The main text of the article is Introduction, Method, Findings, Discussion, Conclusions, and Resources.


  · Introduction


  The introduction should be concise, clear, purposeful, and orderly. Therefore, respected authors should pay attention to the type, sequence, and logical order of the information presented in the introduction. These principles are not different from qualitative and quantitative studies and include 1- Explaining the topic and field of research in general. 2. More specific explanations about the aspect or dimension of the problem that is of particular interest to this study. 3. Overview of the findings of other studies that are relevant to the research topic. 4- Analyzing the information presented in the above three sections, especially the findings of related studies, and explaining the vacuum or gap in the problem under study in order to carry out the present study. 5 - Expressing the main goals questions or hypotheses of the study.


  · study method


  One of the most important parts of the paper, which is the strength of study accuracy, is the information expressed in the study method. Due to the methodological differences between quantitative and qualitative studies, the method of writing this section is described separately.


  In quantitative studies, the methodology should include clear and complete information about 1) study design and its suitability for purpose/question/hypothesis and time and place, study population, samples, sample entry, and exit characteristics, sample size estimation Methods, method of sampling and their allocation in study groups 2- Method of work or intervention stages, Measurement tools, its validity and reliability, the Scoring process of data from the tool (quantitative and qualitative) and Ethical considerations 3. Data management, computer software, statistical methods and tests


  In qualitative studies, it should include clear and complete information about: 1- Designing the study and its relevance to the research purpose/question, time and place or the natural environment of the study, how to reach the participants and their characteristics 2- Method or method of entering the researcher In the normal field of study, a full explanation of the methods and procedures for producing or collecting data, how to saturate or complete the data collection, explaining the methods used to determine the validity and accuracy of the data (credibility, Confirmability, Transferability and Dependability) and Ethical Considerations 3- How to Manage Data, Computer Software (if applicable) Data), methods, data analysis and its relevance to the study.


  · findings


  Another important part of the paper that mirrors the overall outlook of the study is the information expressed in the findings section. As the findings of the qualitative and quantitative studies differ, the method of writing this section is also discussed separately.


  Findings in quantitative studies include: 1) Investigating the extent and distribution of demographic and confounding variables (how they are distributed in the study groups) 2. The main findings should be presented clearly and adequately based on the objectives of the study. So that the reader can easily judge the extent to which the goals are achieved. 3. Data and statistical concepts such as number/percent or mean/standard deviation should be mentioned. Type and proportion of tests and their significance level. 4. The data and findings presented in tables and diagrams should not be repeated in the text and summarized as far as possible in their distribution in the summary text. 5- Tables and diagrams in Farsi, including express title, time, and place of study. They have a maximum of 5 items are not larger than 10 15 15 cm and do not require subtitles to be subtitled (such as *, + ...).


  In qualitative studies: 1 - First, summarize the findings in each step based on the rhythm pattern and analysis method chosen in the study. 2. Then describe and explain the main classes, concepts, or themes with their subsets along with direct quotes from the participants or the initial data recorded. 3. Finally, in accordance with the research question or questions (meaning or process of the phenomenon under study), the findings of the study are explained, as the meaning is explained or the basic theory is derived from the study data and represents a clear and logical relevance of the concepts. Be the main classes, variables, or variables.


· Discuss


  The discussion should include summarizing and concluding the findings in terms of how to answer the research objectives or questions, and consider the following: 1. In quantitative studies, this summary should be numerical and statistical without repeating the findings. . 2- How the findings of the present study relate to other research findings (favorable and disagreeable) conducted in Iran and around the world (cited as sources) and analyze (not just describe) the reasons for rejecting or accepting them. 3. Unexpected findings should also be reviewed and interpreted. 4. If a study is based on a theoretical and model framework, it should interpret the findings in relation to it. 5 - Avoid commenting on findings beyond study findings.


  · final conclusion


  The final conclusion should include a concise and concise summary of the content of the discussion related to the overall purpose hypothesis or main question of the research. Therefore, 1 - summarize the article with a clear conclusion that does not go beyond the results of the study. 3. Suggestions for further studies and application of findings in this section can be made.


  · Acknowledgments


  This section would like to acknowledge the funding institution, individuals or organizations that have somehow contributed to the study or writing of the article.


  · Sources


  Article sources are regulated by the APA method.


  Note: Due to the fact that scientific and research journals are indexed in reputable databases in the world, it is necessary to translate all Persian resources into English. To write a Persian article title, use the English abstract of the same article in the journal that was published.


  How to write sources, whether article or book, is as follows:


  1 - Persian resources as an article:


  Author's last name, author's name, and article title. Journal Name, Year of Publication; Journal Number: Pages.


  Example: Ahmadi Jamal, Fathi Somayeh, Sanjari Shaaban. Endemic goiter in Hamadan province: 5 years after iodized salt intake. Medical Research 1998; Year 22, Number 2: Pages: 135 to 145.


  Example of transcription in English: Ahmadi J, Fathie S, Sajari Sh, Endemic Goiter in Hamadan Province: intake iodine salt after 5 years, Pajohesh dar Pezeshki, 1998; 22 (2): 135-145.


  2 - Persian resources in book form:


  Author's last name, author's name (authors). Book title, print number, city name, place of publication: publisher name, year of publication.


  Example: Mohammadi Hassan, Jalili Hossein (Author), Laboratory Quality Assurance, Tehran Second Edition: Academic Publishing Center, 1996. 3 - Theses resources:


  Author's last name Author's name. Research title. Master of Science (PhD) Thesis, City: Educational Center Name, University Name, Year.


  4 - English resources as an article:


  Author's last name, the first letter of author's name (s). Title. Name of the magazine. Publication Year; Magazine Issue: Pages. The names of the authors are up to six, and if the number is more than six, the word et al is followed.


  Example :


  - Vega KJ, Pina I, Krevsky B. Heart transplantation is associated with an increased risk for pancreaticobiliary disease. Annals of Internal Medicine. 1996; 124 (11): 980-3.


  5 - English Book Resources:


  Last name of the author (s), the first letter of the author (s) name. Book title. Printing Time, City of Publication: Publisher Name; Year of Publication.


  Example :


  - Ringsven MK, Bond D. Gerontology and leadership skills for nurses. Albany (NY): Delmar Publishers; 1996.


  - If the source used is a chapter of the book


  - Phillips SJ, Whisnant JP. Hypertension and stroke. In: Laragh JH, Brenner BM, editors. Hypertension: pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management. New York: Raven Press; 1995. P. 465–78.


  6 - Using Internet Resources (Farsi and English):


  - Hughes, J. Satisfaction with Medical Care: A Review of the Field. www. chagesufer. com / hlth / patsa. html. Accessed: Feb 2 2003-05-2003.


  - National Library of Medicine. (2000). Fact Sheet. Medical Subject Headings (MeSH). [online]. Available: http: // www. nlm. nih. gov / pubs / factsheets / mesh.html. Accessed June 7, 2000.


  Note: Publishing and publishing of journal content is permitted after obtaining permission from the editor of the journal and citing references.

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