Guide to writing an extended abstract

 | Post date: 2024/07/14 | 
Title of paper

Note: The comprehensive abstract should be  include up to 1000 words , not including the title, authors, captions, figures, tables or references. The comprehensive abstract should be include:

Authors name:
The names of the authors and their organizational affiliation in English should be written under the English title, and their organizational affiliation should also be written as a subtitle at the bottom of the English abstract page.
 The responsible author should also be identified by inserting (*) in the footnote section (Corresponding author).
The email, phone number and organizational affiliation of the responsible author:
 should also be written in the subtitle of the English abstract. Authors' names should be written in English Times New Roman (font size: 10, Bold), organizational affiliation with font size 9 as follows:
Note: In the organizational affiliation of universities, if you are not a faculty member, only the degree, field of study, university, city, country, and if you are a faculty member: academic rank, department, university, city, country, respectively.
Keywords: This section should contain maximum 6 words separated by commas.
Comprehensive abstract (this abstract is for the time of admission):
A comprehensive or extensive abstract is actually a more complete and detailed description of a short English abstract.
How to compile a comprehensive abstract:
Introduction (between 250 and 300 words):
 In this section, important things such as the scope of the subject, theoretical and research foundations, importance and necessity, specification of the research problem, and finally the purpose of the article should be written briefly
Research Method (between 150 and 200 words):
In this section, which is actually a summary of the research method section in the full text of your article, it includes the type of study, definition of society, sample and method. Sampling, tools, execution method and analysis method (if the study is intervention type, the intervention program should be explained before the execution method).
Important point: in the introduction of each questionnaire, provide a short history of the creator of the tool, the year of construction and the purpose of the tool, the reason for using this study tool, the number of items and sub-scales; The report of scoring method, validity and reliability, etc. is mandatory.

Results (between 200 and 250 words):
 The main findings of the research, including descriptive and inferential findings, should be reported in summary form. This section is actually a summary of the findings of the full text of your article.
Figures and tables should be embedded in the text and not supplied separately. The figure caption should be placed below the figure, and a table caption above the table. Both are centered, and referred to in the text as Figure 1 and Table 1.(no more than two figures and two tables)
How to set up tables:
- All the numbers in the tables and graphs and explanations of the findings section should be typed in large font.
Decimal numbers in text, tables and graphs should be separated with (.).
- A colon (:) should be used after writing the table numbers.
Note: Do not use Excel to write your tables and prepare the tables inside Word, because using Excel will mess up the numbers in the table.

Discussion (between 200 and 250 words):
The Discussion should include: (1) principles and generalizations from the results, (2) exceptions, problems with work limitations, (3) theoretical and practical application, (4) conclusions and suggestions.
Note 1: In the discussion and conclusion section and comparing the results of your research with other researches, use only the sources and researches that you have previously presented in the background section of the article.
Note 2: In the limitations section, point out the factors that have damaged the internal and external validity of your research and state the methodological limitations. Based on these limitations, write research and application suggestions.

 Ethical considerations section in English:
 This section should be written at the end of the comprehensive abstract with a general title Ethical Considerations and include the following sub-titles
 Compliance with ethical guidelines:
 Code of ethics, number and date of issuance of necessary permits for conducting the study should be mentioned in this section. If the article is taken from the thesis, the code of the thesis and the date of approval of the proposal or the date of the defense should be mentioned. If the article is taken from a research proposal, and the plan and date of approval or defense of the research plan are mentioned, this is also the case on the site of exemplary and principled individuals, the confidentiality of information and compliance with the principle of confidentiality in this.

In this section, explain from which organization and institution you received the necessary funds for conducting research. If you did not have a financial sponsor, you can write that this study was conducted without the financial support of any institution or organization.

 Authors' contribution:
In this section, you should explain the role of each author in the article. If the article is based on a research project, you can write the name of the moderator and colleagues.

Conflict of interest:
In this section, write in one sentence whether there was a conflict of interest in presenting the research results or not.

In this section, thank and appreciate the exemplary people, the institutions that issued the necessary permits, the mentors and advisors, and every person with the organization that helped you in conducting the study.
Note: the headings in the ethical considerations section should be in Times New Roman font, font size 10 and bold; But the description text of the sections is with font size 12. At the same time, the title Ethical Considerations should be in 11 font and bold.

- Use APA format
- Listed in alphabetical order without numbering in the list of sources
- To increase the credibility of the article, use first-hand sources.

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