Volume 3, Issue 1 (6-2022)
Introduction: Policy-making and governance in early childhood education and care is one of the most important topics in international education, which has a history and has experienced many ups and downs. Considering the changes in the governance of this field in the country, there is no comprehensive information on the use of countries' experiences in policy-making and governance. This article has sought to answer questions about the historical process of the necessity and importance of establishing early childhood education and care centers, the challenges of quality and access to this type of service, and the dimensions of policy and governance in this area.
The purpose of this article is to create a relatively clear picture of the historical course of policymaking and governance in the field of early childhood education and care in countries, to analyze the dimensions of quality and access to this type of education, global experiences in governance and policymaking in this field, and especially early childhood education and care in Europe has been analyzing the dimensions: governance, access, staff qualification, training guides as well as evaluation and monitoring of this type of service. The research method was to review the literature on the topic by searching relevant keywords in the scientific databases include Science direct, Google Scholar, Doaj and Eurydice.
The findings and results of this study show that the early childhood education and care centers were initially established mostly for the care aspect and based on the support of the market and the working class workforce, and over time the educational aspect overcame its care function and It has spread to the middle and upper classes of society. The results of various studies show that education in this period regardless of promoting the growth and general preparation of children to enter school and their long-term benefit in the future from all-round positive consequences, a special value for unprivileged children and filling the gap in Education is available between deprived and rich children of the society. In order to achieve a quality education and care system in early childhood, the evaluation of the structural and process quality of this system is of special importance, which has been discussed in detail. The study of European countries in terms of governance, access, staff qualifications, the existence of educational guides or curriculum, as well as evaluation and monitoring show that these countries, from the beginning of the establishment of early childhood education and care systems until today in order to guarantee the quality of these services, have been moving towards integration in policy making and governance, changing the direction from the care aspect to the educational aspect, increasing the coverage and access to quality services, employing trained and qualified staff, developing educational guides at high levels, as well as evaluating and monitoring service providers with various tools and methods.