Ebadi T, Saberi H, Bagheri N. (2023). Developing an Education Program Based on Parent-Child Interactions and Examining its Impact on Psychological Well-Being and Parental Self-Efficacy of Mothers of Children with ADHD.
Early Childhood Health And Education.
3(4), 14-27.
1- Rudehen Branch, Islamic Azad University
Abstract: (1512 Views)
Introduction: This study is aimed at developing an education program based on parent-child interactions and examining its impact on psychological wellbeing and parental self-efficacy of mothers of children with ADHD.
Method: This study was a mixed study, in which Grounded theory was used in the qualitative section and the experimental method was used in the quantitative section. Purposive sampling was used in the quantitative section and convenience sampling was used in the qualitative section. Ten sessions aimed at 1. introducing the program, 2. meditation, 3. recognizing the disorder, 4. stimulus control, 5. empathy skill, 6. dealing with environmental modifications, 7. increasing attention, 8. social support, 9. response inhibition and 10.
Results: review were respectively recognized based on the results obtained from the interviews conducted in the qualitative section. These were then carried out for the experimental group in the qualitative section. Participants answered to the parental self-efficacy scale questionnaires (Domka et al., 1996) and psychological well-being (Ryff, 2002) in the quantitative study using pre-post tests and follow-up.
Discussion and Conclusion: Findings obtained from within-subjects between-subjects design variance test revealed that family-centered therapy was effective in increasing psychological well-being (P<0.001) and parental self-efficacy scores (P<0.001) in post-test. The increase has maintained its stability in the follow-up stage. In addition, results showed that the education program developed in the current study has good validity and can be applied to psychological well-being and parental self-efficacy of mothers of children with ADHD.
Type of Study:
Research |
Special Received: 2023/01/8 | Accepted: 2023/03/11 | Published: 2023/03/18