Volume 4, Issue 4 (Vol 4, No 4 (14) 2024)                   2024, 4(4): 1-14 | Back to browse issues page

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Farajvand M, Torabi Z, Shahbazi M. (2024). Explaining the Relationship between the Interactive Spaces of Kindergartens and the Promotion of Children's Creativity. Early Childhood Health And Education. 4(4), 1-14. doi:10.32592/jeche.4.4.1
URL: http://jeche.ir/article-1-141-en.html
1- Department of Architecture, Zanjan branch, Islamic Azad University, Zanjan, Iran
Abstract:   (546 Views)
Kindergarten is one of the places where children's creativity is nurtured. One of the solutions that increases the growth of creativity in children; Creating an interactive and flexible environment in kindergartens. Therefore, by identifying the characteristics of interactive spaces in kindergartens, the present research seeks to achieve how they affect the development of creativity in children.
Research Method:
In this research, which is descriptive-surveillance in terms of practical type and method, three important characteristics of the child's space, including: "curiosity", "play" and "imagination", and three important characteristics of the interactive space, including: "flexibility”, "Complexity and Diversity", "Movability", with 23 components have been surveyed through a researcher-made questionnaire based on a five-point Likert scale, it has been surveyed in 2022. The statistical population of the research is the teachers of 35 selected kindergartens in Niavaran, Tehran, with the number of 426 teachers, which according to Cochran's formula, the statistical sample is equal to 202 people. Data analysis has been done after collecting the information obtained from the distribution of questionnaires and entering them into SPSS software using a sample t-test.
Data analysis was done using one-sample t-test. The findings of the research show that there is a significant relationship between the three important features of interactive spaces and the development of children's creativity, so the research hypothesis that "the creation of interactive spaces affects the development of children's creativity" is proven.
The results show that the use of spaces that are flexible and causes the child's curiosity, stimulation of the five senses, the use of various materials such as tires, cut tree trunks in the play space, the use of different colors in the floor, ceiling, and bodies. and furniture, the use of water in the form of fountains, fountains, water walls and atmosphere around the children's play space, creating belonging and paying attention to the individual and collective experiences of the audience in the design of the interactive environment to increase the interaction of the child, the environment, the development of the child's creativity and Making the environment interactive will help.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2023/06/14 | Accepted: 2023/09/3 | Published: 2023/10/14

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